
After 7 days, you can feed the cooked wheat. If you can mix some green vegetables and green beans in the feed, it is better because the vegetables and beans are cold and the ducks are eaten. They grow fast and the meat is tender. When the ducklings grow up to a month, they can be rushed to the newly harvested rice fields for stocking, so that the ducklings can improve their foraging ability. As the saying goes: 'Duck is a real food', cockroaches, clams, snails, loach, small fish, etc. ducks like to eat, but before the ducks grow up, they must be crushed and fed. For ducklings, they can“t usually feed live food, because ducklings are used to eating live food. Once they are missing, they are not willing to eat any other feed. 4. Pay attention to the setting of the duck shed. Ducklings should be prevented from 'stacking' within 20 days, otherwise they will be susceptible to heat and sweat. The duck house should be ventilated, clean and dry, and the temperature should not be high. 5. Pay attention to stocking. After the ducklings are out of the shell for 10 days, they can be trained for stocking. First put it in the small ditch, you can“t catch too far when you first put it, don“t put it too long. A month later, the ducklings had feathers on their shoulders and abdomen. At this time, they can be farther away,蘭州歐洲雁苗聯(lián)系方式, and even the ducks can stay overnight in the wild. Rainy days can not be put on, sunny days and more sun to promote development. In the summer, the ducklings should often be taken to a shade to rest and prevent heat stroke. The ducklings are timid,供應歐洲雁苗聯(lián)系方式, and when the ducklings are resting, the ducklings should not yell. At night, the lights are illuminated to prevent rats and weasels from harming.xx


雛番鴨飼養(yǎng):①5周齡以內小番鴨稱為雛番鴨番鴨育雛一般采用人工給溫或自溫環(huán)境溫度要求如下:1。周齡27℃,2周齡24℃,3周齡22℃,4周齡20℃,5周齡18?20℃,具體施溫要根據(jù)小番鴨行為和分布情況進行調節(jié).②飼料要求采用全價顆粒飼料0.0?3周齡時飼料顆粒直徑不大于1.5毫米,代謝能12.14?12.56MJ/kg時,粗蛋白19.50%?22%; 4周齡以后全價飼料顆粒直徑3.5?4mm的,代謝能11.70?12.56MJ/kg時,粗蛋白17%?19 %.③出殼鴨苗要求先飲水后開食,第1次飲水不超過出殼后24小時,先飲用0.01%高孟酸鉀溶液或百杜殺溶液1?2天,然后在飲水中加適量氟哌酸或強力霉素等夭物,以增強體質和預防疾病。開食時把飼料放在大淺盤里或麻布片上讓番鴨自由采食.④不管是地面飼養(yǎng)還是網(wǎng)上飼養(yǎng),供應歐洲雁苗聯(lián)系方式,飼養(yǎng)雛鴨的場地都要墊上稻草或麻布,并勤于更換。鴨舍光線要充足,夜間人工光照到4周齡后完全自然光照.XX
供應歐洲雁苗聯(lián)系方式-蘭州歐洲雁苗聯(lián)系方式-西彥孵化廠番鴨苗由夏邑縣李集鎮(zhèn)西彥孵化廠提供。夏邑縣李集鎮(zhèn)西彥孵化廠(www.songshiqinye.com)是一家從事“雞,鴨,鵝孵化。”的公司。自成立以來,我們堅持以“誠信為本,穩(wěn)健經(jīng)營”的方針,勇于參與市場的良性競爭,使“宋氏禽業(yè)”品牌擁有良好口碑。我們堅持“服務至上,用戶至上”的原則,使西彥孵化廠在動物種苗中贏得了眾的客戶的信任,樹立了良好的企業(yè)形象。 特別說明:本信息的圖片和資料僅供參考,歡迎聯(lián)系我們索取準確的資料,謝謝!同時本公司(www.songshiqinye.cn)還是從事番鴨苗,歐洲雁苗,鴛鴦鴨苗的廠家,歡迎來電咨詢。
